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Matsubue: A better closeup of Silver.
Matsubue: This is Silver. A male cat we have not caught yet. Quite pretty but very growly.
Matsubue: Ringo napping on the deck chest
Matsubue: Ringo wondering why I am sticking this phone on her face.
Matsubue: Fluffy has rediscovered the heating pad.
Matsubue: Spot trying to pass Bulldog
Matsubue: Bulldog waiting...
Matsubue: I guess he had enough lap time for now I guess
Matsubue: Bulldog came in because it was rainy and now needs a lot of attention
Matsubue: Spot made himself comfortable on my feet.
Matsubue: Princess blocking Spot's entry into the house.
Matsubue: And sure enough a couple minutes later here is Spot clawing my side wanting me to go pet him at the food bowl.
Matsubue: Somehow Spot looks bored in one of his cat beds.
Matsubue: Spot in the cat bed hidden away in a corner
Matsubue: "These USB hubs belong to me now."
Matsubue: Three cats...
Matsubue: Ringo making herself comfortable on the grill cover
Matsubue: Fluffy is indeed a big ball of fluff.
Matsubue: @cluce is trapped by a Spot
Matsubue: Ringo joins in on the stick hunt
Matsubue: Milky tracks the vicious and elusive stick
Matsubue: Spot sitting on a notepad.