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the mat: Happy weekend #SF! It's Saturday and I'm ready for some relaxing.
the mat: Sunrise, sunrise, looks like morning in your eyes.
the mat: Hanging in the mangrove park in Lahaina. Take me back?
the mat: Happy birthday to the one and only @thesamgraves! Thanks for making me go places I shouldn't.
the mat: Headed to #Oakland tonight to enjoy the perfect, calm water of Lake...oh dammit duck!
the mat: Turning the commute into art. Just not if you're the driver, ok?
the mat: Just reflect on this for a second.
the mat: What's black, white, red and smiley? Roscoe the dog in the sun, duh.
the mat: God I love the view of #Sutro from my house tonight (400mm lens not included).
the mat: She's just the best and she brings out the best in me.
the mat: Just wrapped an enormous video project. Feels good to start the week with a clear schedule.
the mat: Fast and on the inside. Just another day in a street legal Formula 1. #whpcarcorners
the mat: Summer is nearly over. Almost time for #sf summer.
the mat: Catching up client edits today. Fun shot by @melaniericcardi with my edits. All natural light too!
the mat: Best thing about being sick is spending so much time in bed. Note: this is not my bed. Second note: client rush jobs do not allow for sick bed time.