~ MCJ: Mercedes manages to get past Midnight down the tree
~ MCJ: Charlie sits under the tree while Midnight cries
~ MCJ: Midnight follows Mercedes up the tree and gets stuck.
~ MCJ: Raphael watches Mercedes climb the tree
~ MCJ: Mercedes climbs a tree
~ MCJ: Charlie is happy
~ MCJ: Mercedes Immediately tried to escape after letting her out.
~ MCJ: Mercedes ventures outside
~ MCJ: Josie on the air conditioning unit.
~ MCJ: Raphael
~ MCJ: Mercedes in the Tunnel
~ MCJ: Josie in her Favourite Spot
~ MCJ: Midnight before his surgery
~ MCJ: Midnight day after Surgery.
~ MCJ: Charlie in front, Raphael beyond.
~ MCJ: Raphael
~ MCJ: Midnight - About a week after his teeth surgery.
~ MCJ: Charlie
~ MCJ: Midnight
~ MCJ: Can I have some more?
~ MCJ: Midnight invites himself into Raphaels bed
~ MCJ: Josie
~ MCJ: Charlie
~ MCJ: Mercedes
~ MCJ: Matilda under my Dress
~ MCJ: Raphael ~ Explored 26th April, 2015. Thank You !!!!
~ MCJ: Josie demonstrates..
~ MCJ: Matilda
~ MCJ: Mercedes in the Tunnel
~ MCJ: My big boy Charlie