~ MCJ: Homeless Cat on my Verandah
~ MCJ: Rescue - just caught tonight
~ MCJ: Rescue - just caught tonight.
~ MCJ: Rescue - just caught tonight.
~ MCJ: Rescue - just caught tonight
~ MCJ: She? wants me to pat her. - UPDATE IT'S A BOY!!
~ MCJ: Raphael is chilling on the window sill.
~ MCJ: Raphael is rolling for me.
~ MCJ: Raphael (escaped tonight out of a window and update returned 2hrs later)
~ MCJ: Raphael
~ MCJ: Raphael and Charlie
~ MCJ: Raphael
~ MCJ: Pillow Teddy
~ MCJ: Teddy Pillow - top view
~ MCJ: Buddies
~ MCJ: Can You Do This? - Touch Your Toes
~ MCJ: Raphael
~ MCJ: Raphael
~ MCJ: Raphael.
~ MCJ: Raphael
~ MCJ: Raphael Hanging Out!
~ MCJ: Raphael and Midnight
~ MCJ: Me and Raphael!
~ MCJ: Dinner Time Antics
~ MCJ: Hanging Out! Literally.
~ MCJ: Hanging out
~ MCJ: Raphael - How to sleep and stay cool.
~ MCJ: Raphael Keeping Cool
~ MCJ: Another Cooling Position - Raphael
~ MCJ: My mum thinks I'm Handsome.