mathowie: Tony Kic showing everyone how to get over the platform correctly
mathowie: Riding by
mathowie: On the platform
mathowie: Suzanne Marcoe
mathowie: Women's Masters 35+ A winner over barriers
mathowie: Heidi Swift over barriers
mathowie: Over the barriers
mathowie: Carol Petersen
mathowie: Heidi Swift over barriers
mathowie: PBS rider on the platform
mathowie: Brett Luelling
mathowie: Over the big platform
mathowie: Chris Sheppard, killing everyone in the A class
mathowie: Slate Olsen, Raphaing around
mathowie: B Masters
mathowie: B Masters
mathowie: B Masters
mathowie: B Masters
mathowie: B Masters
mathowie: B Masters
mathowie: High School Juniors racing
mathowie: High School Juniors racing
mathowie: High School Juniors racing
mathowie: High School Juniors racing
mathowie: High School Juniors racing
mathowie: High School Juniors racing
mathowie: High School Juniors racing
mathowie: High School Juniors racing
mathowie: High School Juniors racing
mathowie: B class start crowd