mike thomas: leadville alley
mike thomas: the red six
mike thomas: church off lincoln, denver, co
mike thomas: pete's kitchen still life, colored in photoshop
mike thomas: little barn in old englewood, toned in photoshop
mike thomas: old spaceship doodle, colored in photoshop
mike thomas: quick impression of a house from a business card - colored
mike thomas: taylor reservoir boathouse, framed
mike thomas: boats at harbor
mike thomas: "boats" challenge - prelim value sketch
mike thomas: tower in littleton, co, watercolor
mike thomas: quick impression of a house from a business card
mike thomas: orpheum sketch grouping
mike thomas: blacksmith shop (completed)
mike thomas: blacksmith shop (in-process)
mike thomas: main st., buena vista, co
mike thomas: taylor reservoir boathouse, colorado
mike thomas: highline canal in winter
mike thomas: main street looking west, buena vista, co
mike thomas: "the pearl", buena vista, co
mike thomas: simple auto studies, marker
mike thomas: simple auto studies, marker
mike thomas: sketch for "taylor reservoir boathouse", marker
mike thomas: "the orpheum", buena vista, co
mike thomas: figure studies, watercolor
mike thomas: figure studies, watercolor
mike thomas: end of littleton blvd, littleton, co
mike thomas: a watercolor gone horribly wrong, or, i hate watercolor (today)
mike thomas: minimal figure studies
mike thomas: plein air landscape in marker