mike thomas:
photo 916.jpg
mike thomas:
the great curve
mike thomas:
photo 563.jpg
mike thomas:
photo 562.jpg
mike thomas:
photo 561.jpg
mike thomas:
making tracks out of littleton
mike thomas:
making tracks out of littleton
mike thomas:
mr. b at work
mike thomas:
then, as now, I had a real knack for portraiture
mike thomas:
always the artiste´
mike thomas:
playing with light
mike thomas:
d skating
mike thomas:
prickly weed
mike thomas:
mike thomas:
maple pods
mike thomas:
mary beth
mike thomas:
good neighbors
mike thomas:
milk crate casting a long shadow
mike thomas:
milk crate casting a long shadow
mike thomas:
milk crate casting a long shadow
mike thomas:
milk crate casting a long shadow
mike thomas:
milk crate casting a long shadow
mike thomas:
milk crate casting a long shadow
mike thomas:
milk crate casting a long shadow
mike thomas:
parking garage
mike thomas:
self portrait
mike thomas:
self portrait
mike thomas:
self portrait
mike thomas:
self portrait
mike thomas:
self portrait