mike thomas: photo 874.jpg
mike thomas: photo 873.jpg
mike thomas: photo 879.jpg
mike thomas: photo 878.jpg
mike thomas: photo 877.jpg
mike thomas: photo 876.jpg
mike thomas: photo 872.jpg
mike thomas: photo 871.jpg
mike thomas: two windows
mike thomas: photo 866.jpg
mike thomas: contrast
mike thomas: photo 869.jpg
mike thomas: photo 867.jpg
mike thomas: photo 868.jpg
mike thomas: photo 875.jpg
mike thomas: some windows have flowers
mike thomas: cafe chairs & tables
mike thomas: what do you see?
mike thomas: some windows have flowers
mike thomas: namaste
mike thomas: two interiors
mike thomas: wall and door
mike thomas: pensive
mike thomas: so sat he beneath the jubjub tree and stood awhile in thought
mike thomas: hard bedroom