Mathieu Bertrand Struck: skinship / スキンシップ
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: niten ichi-ryū / 二天一流
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: find the cost of freedom
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: tangram / 七巧板
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: brincando nos campos do senhor
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: feng shui prison
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: illusions, delusions & confusions
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: in the beginning was the word
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: fortezza bastiani
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: color wheel (zur farbenlehre)
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: egito, dádiva do nilo
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: ahmadinejator
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: the apparition
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: rota fortunae
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: atlas holding up the roof
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: the three of me
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: um estranho ímpar
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: cartografia de são paulo
Mathieu Bertrand Struck: the man-eating tree