Mathew Ward: They are indeed the Agricultural Promotion Bank
Mathew Ward: Mahout and Elephant
Mathew Ward: Near Hongsa
Mathew Ward: Mahout and Elephant II
Mathew Ward: Slow Loris Hand
Mathew Ward: Pigmy Slow Loris
Mathew Ward: Keep away from the bone
Mathew Ward: Pig Snouts at a Hanoi Market
Mathew Ward: Vietnamese Market: Poultry Section
Mathew Ward: Northern Vietnam Buffalo
Mathew Ward: Baby Turtle, Sipadan.
Mathew Ward: Monitor Lizard
Mathew Ward: Orangutan youngster
Mathew Ward: Crocodile on the Kinabatangan River
Mathew Ward: Frilled tree frog
Mathew Ward: Frilled tree frog
Mathew Ward: Great Egrett
Mathew Ward: Cricket frog
Mathew Ward: DARK-eared frog
Mathew Ward: Centipede
Mathew Ward: Bornean Blue Tarantula
Mathew Ward: Asian forest scorpion
Mathew Ward: Sleeping bat
Mathew Ward: Insect construction of some sort?
Mathew Ward: A mature male Orangutan
Mathew Ward: Bearded pig
Mathew Ward: Riding the Laos tractor