material guy:
common merganser (f)
material guy:
common raven
material guy:
great cormorant
material guy:
red-shouldered hawk
material guy:
northern pintails (2m + f)
material guy:
northern harrier
material guy:
common mergansers (m)
material guy:
American bittern
material guy:
Cooper's hawk (juvenile)
material guy:
American black duck
material guy:
hooded mergansers
material guy:
northern gannet
material guy:
snow buntings
material guy:
Boston harrier
material guy:
red-tailed hawk
material guy:
northern pintail (m)
material guy:
northern harrier
material guy:
northern harrier
material guy:
this marsh ain't big enough for the both of us...
material guy:
sharp-shinned hawk
material guy:
bald eagle (m)
material guy:
surf scoters
material guy:
white-winged scoters
material guy:
black scoters
material guy:
snowy egret (juv.)
material guy:
cliff swallow
material guy:
belted kingfisher (m)
material guy:
least terns
material guy:
least tern
material guy:
piping plover