matejmihelcic: NGC884, NGC869 and dark nebulae
matejmihelcic: Omega Centauri / NGC5139
matejmihelcic: M13 and NGC6207
matejmihelcic: Collinder 399 (Cr 399)
matejmihelcic: M22, M28, NGC6638, NGC6642 and bright star Lambda (λ) Sagittarius
matejmihelcic: Wild Duck Cluster (M11)
matejmihelcic: Fireworks Galaxy- NGC 6946 and open cluster NGC 6939
matejmihelcic: Cassiopeia - NGC 884 & NGC 869 (Double Cluster), NGC 7789, M52, NGC 281 (Pacman nabula), IC 1805 & IC 1848 (Heart and Soul Nebula), and NGC 7822
matejmihelcic: IC405, IC410, IC417, M38 ...
matejmihelcic: M13 / The Great Hercules Cluster
matejmihelcic: M44 / Beehive Cluster
matejmihelcic: M3 or NGC 5272
matejmihelcic: M34 or NGC 1039
matejmihelcic: NGC 5139
matejmihelcic: M3 / NGC 5272
matejmihelcic: 47 Tucanae