O Titan do Molhe Norte do porto de Leixões em testes de manutenção, no princípio dos anos 60 do séc. XX, vendo-se a Praia do Titã
Scans USA 1987
Scans USA 1987
WAVZ 13:
Low resolution Battery Park City bleak wasteland on a gray and rainy day. Not a trace of North Cove, South Cove, the Hudson River walkway... just 92 acres of moist muck. Nice view of the recently completed World Trade Center. New York. March 1973
__Bentom Wyemji__:
Tropea, Calabria
FRANcisco /:
Porto - Portugal
Panorama Paul:
Lipstick on a Pig
Swallowed by the Storm
Jose Carlos Melo Dias:
Jose Carlos Melo Dias:
Porto, Praça dos Poveiros
Duarte Nuno Costa:
The sky gets bigger in the spring
Duarte Nuno Costa:
back to relentlessness
Duarte Nuno Costa:
protect me from what I need.
Duarte Nuno Costa:
gliding on steel