Matabe: Die hard
Matabe: Green Moco Moco
Matabe: A succulent plant in the seashore
Matabe: massive rocks of unusual shape
Matabe: Iwachidori
Matabe: Mysterious moss 3:2
Matabe: Mysterious moss
Matabe: wait for rising sun
Matabe: road to sea of clouds
Matabe: in disorder
Matabe: Fantastic river - downstream of Ganbo pond
Matabe: Killy's favorite flower
Matabe: rough cocklebur
Matabe: Tubocapsicum anomalum
Matabe: The frozen butterfly
Matabe: Ophiopogon japonicus
Matabe: Yabutsubaki pink
Matabe: the bud of a Camellia Japonica
Matabe: Camellia Japonica with morning dew
Matabe: Camellia Japonica
Matabe: Rock cotoneaster(ベニシタン)
Matabe: Smilax china(サルトリイバラ/オサスリ)
Matabe: White white sometimes pink ... from small to large
Matabe: Acorns
Matabe: wall of Polygonum
Matabe: Polygonum
Matabe: pop color
Matabe: a pair of persimmon
Matabe: Yucca gloriosa (アツバキミガヨラン)
Matabe: Violet wood-sorrel