mastermaq: Lineup
mastermaq: Lineup
mastermaq: Apple Store
mastermaq: Lined up outside the Apple Store
mastermaq: Grand Opening
mastermaq: Grand Opening
mastermaq: The Disney Store next to Apple Store
mastermaq: Lined up
mastermaq: They dimmed the lights!
mastermaq: Using the free wifi
mastermaq: Waiting to get in
mastermaq: Almost there!
mastermaq: Finally getting in!
mastermaq: Inside the Apple Store
mastermaq: Inside the Apple Store
mastermaq: With my free T-Shirt Box
mastermaq: Star Wars
mastermaq: Ryan @ The Apple Store
mastermaq: Picture in Picture
mastermaq: Genius Bar
mastermaq: Genius Bar
mastermaq: Michelle & Jon
mastermaq: IMG_2728
mastermaq: IMG_2730
mastermaq: Inside the Apple Store
mastermaq: On Summize
mastermaq: Sharon using an iMac
mastermaq: T-Shirt Boxes
mastermaq: At the Apple Store
mastermaq: Cheering and high-fiving