State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 1: Horned Grebe - Holboell's Grebe - Pied-billed Grebe
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 2: Red-throated Loon - Loon
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 3: Black Guillemot - Puffin - Razor-billed Auk - Dovekie - Brunnich's Murre
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 4: Long-tailed Jaeger - Parasitic Jaeger - Pomarine Jaepger - Skua
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 5: Great Black-backed Gull - Glaucous Gull - Kittiwake - Kumlien's Gull - Iceland Gull
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 6: Herring Gull - Ring-billed Gull - Sabine's Gull - Bonaparte's Gull - Laughing Gull
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 7: Black Skimmer - Sooty Tern - Caspian Tern - Royal Tern
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 8: Arctic Tern - Roseate Tern - Forster's Tern - Common Tern - Black Tern - Least Tern
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 9: Leach's Petrel - Wilson's Petrel - Sooty Shearwater - Greater Shearwater - Cory's Shearwater - Fulmar
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 10: Cormorant - Double-created Cormorant - Gannet
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 11: Hooded Merganser - Red-breasted Merganser - Merganser
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 12: Mallard - Black Duck - Red-legged Black Duck - Gadwall
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 13: Baldplate - European Widgeon - Green-winged Teal - European Teal - Blue-winged Teal
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 14: Wood Duck - American Pintail - Shoveller
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 15: Canvas-back - Redhead - Lesser Scaup Duck - Scaup Duck - Ring-necked Duck
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 16: Old-squaw - Buffle-head - Golden-eye - Barrow's Golden-eye
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 17: King Eider - Northern Eider - Harlequin Duck - Eider
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 18: American Scoter - White-winged Scoter - Surf Scoter - Ruddy Duck
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 19: White-fronted Goose - Greater Snow Goose - Blue Goose
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 20: Whistling Swan - Canada Goose - Brant - Black Brant
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 21: Americna Bittern - Green Heron - Least Bittern - Glossy Ibis - Cory's Bittern
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 22: Great Blue Heron - American Egret - Black-crowned Night Heron - Snowy Egret - Little Blue Heron
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 23: King Rail - Virginia Rail - Yellow Rail - Black Rail - Clapper Rail - Sora
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 24: Coot - Red Phalarope - Purple Gallinule - Florida Gallinule - Wilson's Phalarope - Northern Phalarope
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 25: Woodcock - Wilson's Snipe - Dowitcher
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 26: Purple Sandpiper - Knot - Stilt Sandpiper - Pectoral Sandpiper
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 27: Red-backed Sandpiper - Baird's Sandpiper - White-rumped Sandpiper
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 28: Semipalmated Sandpiper - Sanderling - Least Sandpiper
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 29: Hudsonian Curlew - Long-billed Curlew - Eskimo Curlew - Marbled Godwit - Hudsonian Godwit
State Library of Massachusetts:
Plate 30: Spotted Sandpiper - Solitary Sandpiper - Greater Yellow-legs - Yellow-legs