Denny Mingus: Cadillac
Denny Mingus: Cadillac
Denny Mingus: Thom Wells
Denny Mingus: Chevrolet
Denny Mingus: Ditch Witch
Denny Mingus: old truck on a trailer
Denny Mingus: tractor
Denny Mingus: an example glider
Denny Mingus: the interior of a jeep
Denny Mingus: the cockpit of a glider
Denny Mingus: a plane was used to tow the gliders until they reached the destination
Denny Mingus: the hole in the back is the tow hitch
Denny Mingus: taking the old truck out for a spin
Denny Mingus: train engine
Denny Mingus: Paducah, Texas