Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: Small arms shell casings and projectiles
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: Excavated UST and Recovered Gasoline
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: Excavated UST and Soil Piles
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: Pipe Trace Downgradient to Two Leach Fields
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: 2.25 inch Rocket Mounting Rack
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: 2.75 inch Rocket Motor Cannister - Outer Sheathing
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: 2.75 inch Rocket Motor Propellant Cannister with Intact Initiator
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: Ordnance Retrieved From Dry Well
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: Oil Stained Beach Rack - Bouchard Spill
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: Oil Staining - Bouchard Spill
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: Ordnance Fuze in Beach Cobbles
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: Invasive Asian Cormorants Displacing Native Gulls
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: Close up of 2.75 inch Rocket Propellant Canister
Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection: Floor Drain in Foundation Slab