-masru-: tw700 | auto window selfie
-masru-: IP259 | Self as Matisse
-masru-: LSotY :: In response to Seldon Scott
-masru-: LSotY2016
-masru-: Hommage à Pekka Nikrus
-masru-: 06.06.2016 | head in the clouds, Sickinger Höhe
-masru-: tw523 | car selfie #2
-masru-: tw523 | car selfie #1
-masru-: Self | 07.02.2016 16:57:21
-masru-: 30.12.2015 | preparing the Last Selfie of the Year
-masru-: tw498 | Self w/ Rolleiflex
-masru-: 03.07.2015 10:41:14 | Taking Catalpa pictures
-masru-: LSotY
-masru-: #notmyLSotY
-masru-: IP41 | press here
-masru-: Selfie, 25.08.2014 20:31:13
-masru-: IP197 | and now for something completely different
-masru-: 35 is the new 50
-masru-: My Street: Mo Dec 30 2013 12:38:25
-masru-: LSOTY
-masru-: My street
-masru-: Two Photographers
-masru-: tw361 | something stitched would be appropriate
-masru-: Fake Self
-masru-: IP169 preparation | First Aid
-masru-: IP166 | Rituals
-masru-: IP165 | brown suit, black shoes
-masru-: Peace, Love & Understanding
-masru-: London | Heathrow | Pentax
-masru-: me :: mirror :: street