masnyc: Brooklyn Bridge Park
masnyc: Brooklyn Bridge Park
masnyc: Brooklyn Bridge Park
masnyc: Commissioner of NYC Department of Parks and Recreation Adrian Benepe, Gill Prize Recipient Michael Van Valkenburgh, Chairman of the Gill Prize Jury Randy Bourscheidt, & MAS President Vin Cipolla
masnyc: Gill Prize Recipient Michael Van Valkenburgh and Commissioner of NYC Department of Cultural Affairs Kate D. Levin
masnyc: Gill Prize Recipient Michael Van Valkenburgh with Jane Glazier, his assistant, and his team
masnyc: Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance President Roland Lewis, MAS Board Member Joan K. Davidson and Chairman of the Gill Prize Jury Randy Bourscheidt
masnyc: MAS Board Member Lewis Cullman, Louise Kerz Cullman, and Michael Gill, Brendan Gill's son