masnyc: Boarding the boat.
masnyc: Board Member Janet Ross, Vin Cipolla, and Maria Burks
masnyc: Regatta & the Skyline
masnyc: Along the Hudson River.
masnyc: Looking at downtown New York.
masnyc: On the boat.
masnyc: The waterfront.
masnyc: Vin Cipolla with boat tour attendees.
masnyc: Enjoying the boat tour from the inside.
masnyc: The Statue of Liberty.
masnyc: Looking at Governors Island.
masnyc: Leslie Koch
masnyc: The working waterfront.
masnyc: Eric Goldstein
masnyc: Waterfront cranes.
masnyc: Looking at the bridges.
masnyc: Sunset over New York.
masnyc: Statue of Liberty sunset.
masnyc: A New York City night.