masnyc: Cocktail reception in the Four Seasons Hotel
masnyc: Cocktail reception in the Four Seasons Hotel
masnyc: seagram building plaza
masnyc: Seagram building plaza
masnyc: Helen Tucker and Billy Wright
masnyc: Jean Tatge and
masnyc: Cory Booker and Kent Barwick
masnyc: Vin Cipolla, Mrs. Cipolla & David Childs
masnyc: Billy Wright & Cory Booker
masnyc: MAS Urbanists
masnyc: Russell Simmons, Kent Barwick, Governor Paterson, Lewis Culman, & Mayor Cory Booker
masnyc: Governor Paterson, Philip Howard and Kent Barwick
masnyc: Russell Simmons, Kent Barwick and Governor Paterson
masnyc: Randy Bourscheidt, Amanda Burden, Vishaan Chakrabarti and
masnyc: Governor David Paterson and Joan Davidson
masnyc: Inside the Tent on the Plaza of the Seagram Building (celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2008.)
masnyc: David Childs
masnyc: Governor Paterson and Lewis Culman
masnyc: Governor Paterson and Lewis Culman
masnyc: Vin Cipolla and Philip Howard applaud Kent Barwick
masnyc: Steve Roth
masnyc: Kent Barwick
masnyc: Chairman Philip Howard & President Kent Barwick
masnyc: Chairman Philip Howard & President Kent Barwick
masnyc: Kent Barwick
masnyc: Kent Barwick
masnyc: Kent Barwick
masnyc: The Rockettes