MAS President Kent Barwick introduces Imagine Coney and the Charrette Team at Brooklyn Borough Hall Monday, October 27th, 2008
Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz briefs Imagine Coney Charrette Team at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Coney Island Councilmember Dominic Recchia briefs Imagine Coney Charrette Team at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Brooklyn Borough Parks and Recreation Commissioner Julius Spiegel briefs Imagine Coney Charrette Team at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Purnima Kapur, Director of the Brooklyn Office of the Department of City Planning presents the City's rezoning plan to the Imagine Coney Charrette Team at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Architect and Design Engineer Nicholas Goldsmith, of FTL Studio, questions Coney Island stakeholders at briefing session at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Economist David Malmuth of RCLCo and creative producer Anne Hamburger, both former Disney Executives, listen to Coney Island stakeholders and Brooklyn public officials at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Architects, Engineers, Producers, and Designers of the Imagine Coney Charrette Team listen to Coney Island stakeholders and Brooklyn public officials at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Charlie Denson, Executive Director of the Coney Island History Project, briefs Imagine Coney Charrette Team at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Chuck Riechenthal, District Manager of Brooklyn Community Board 13, briefs Imagine Coney Charrette Team at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Geoganna Deas of the Astella Development Corporation briefs Imagine Coney Charrette Team at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Sheryl Robertson of the South Brooklyn Youth Consortium briefs Imagine Coney Charrette Team at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Soren Lund, Chief Architectural Consultant for Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, listens to Coney Island stakeholders and Brooklyn public officials at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Director of Squint Opera Jules Coche and Henry Bardsley of RFR Eningeering listen to Coney Island stakeholders and Brooklyn public officials at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Coney Island USA Artistic Director Dick Zigun briefs Charrette Team at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Taconic Investment Partners Senior Vice President of Acquisitions Ari Shalom briefs Imagine Coney Charrette Team at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Set and amusement designer George Tsypin listens to Coney Island stakeholders and Brooklyn public officials at Brooklyn Borough Hall
John Beckman, planner for WRT, and Margie Ruddick, landscape architect, listen to Coney Island stakeholders and Brooklyn public officials at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Carol Albert, owner of Astroland and Kent Barwick, President of MAS on Coney Island Boardwalk