masinka: Haunting Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane - Richardson Olmsted Complex, Buffalo, NY (DTD_3206)
masinka: Fenced Off, Richardson Olmsted Complex, Buffalo, NY (DTD_3200)
masinka: Rays of the Rising Sun on the Richardson Olmsted Complex (DTD_3209)
masinka: Building 15, Richardson Olmsted Complex, Buffalo, NY (DTD_3218)
masinka: Path to the Future of the Richardson Olmsted Complex (DTD_3213)
masinka: Corner of Building 15, Richardson Olmsted Complex, Buffalo, NY (DTD_3223)
masinka: Chimney View - Richardson Olmsted Complex, Buffao, NY (DTD_3225)
masinka: The Endangered Bachelor of Buffalo, NY (DTD_3227)
masinka: Building 15 Fire Escape, Richardson Olmsted Complex, Buffalo, NY (DTD_3224)
masinka: Up the Fire Escape, The Bachelor, Buffalo, NY (DTD_3241)
masinka: Towers of Richardson Olmsted Complex - Buffalo, NY (DTD_3202)