Matt Hovey: palm sunday
Matt Hovey: after a shower
Matt Hovey: spikes
Matt Hovey: flowered fence
Matt Hovey: fenced in
Matt Hovey: Phallic
Matt Hovey: Lavender
Matt Hovey: stems
Matt Hovey: white on green
Matt Hovey: purples
Matt Hovey: white on black
Matt Hovey: fresh
Matt Hovey: camellia
Matt Hovey: Home grown
Matt Hovey: Golden Maple
Matt Hovey: florally
Matt Hovey: lapping
Matt Hovey: technicolor entrance
Matt Hovey: clinging
Matt Hovey: morning tears
Matt Hovey: purple flower on blue wooden wall
Matt Hovey: mirage
Matt Hovey: cant see the color for the trees
Matt Hovey: streaming
Matt Hovey: i see the light!
Matt Hovey: autumn weed
Matt Hovey: dingle berries