masayoshi.k: IMG_9297.jpg
masayoshi.k: IMG_9301.jpg
masayoshi.k: IMG_9302.jpg
masayoshi.k: Rider from Sydney!
masayoshi.k: Pre-ride meeting
masayoshi.k: SFR Oath (quick version)
masayoshi.k: San Francisco Dawn (from Sausalito)
masayoshi.k: Tomales Bay
masayoshi.k: IMG_5770.jpg
masayoshi.k: Point Reyes
masayoshi.k: IMG_9333.jpg
masayoshi.k: Barley pulling the group
masayoshi.k: Point Reyes
masayoshi.k: IMG_9344.jpg
masayoshi.k: PLRH control
masayoshi.k: Pt. Reyes Lighthouse Control
masayoshi.k: Point Reyes
masayoshi.k: Point Reyes Lighthouse
masayoshi.k: Point Reyes Lighthouse
masayoshi.k: IMG_9363.jpg
masayoshi.k: Trees are parmanently deformed by strong winds..
masayoshi.k: IMG_9376.jpg
masayoshi.k: Control at Marshall
masayoshi.k: Andrea!
masayoshi.k: typical ride foods at the Marshall store
masayoshi.k: Enjoying lunch looking at Tomales bay
masayoshi.k: IMG_9384.jpg
masayoshi.k: IMG_9385.jpg
masayoshi.k: Shrinked Nicasio reservour..
masayoshi.k: Laura joined us at Tomales bay (inbound) and then from San Geronimo Valley to the Finish