masayoshi.k: SF Randonneur Populaire Oct 1st 2011 Poster
masayoshi.k: Start Control Sign at Golden Gate Bridge
masayoshi.k: Riders started gathering in the dawn (6:22am)
masayoshi.k: Willy and his daugther will ride a tandem
masayoshi.k: Pre-ride meeting
masayoshi.k: Pre-ride meeting
masayoshi.k: Pre-ride meeting
masayoshi.k: Pre-ride meeting
masayoshi.k: Pre-ride meeting
masayoshi.k: Pre-ride meeting
masayoshi.k: Pre-ride meeting by Rob
masayoshi.k: San Francisco Randoneeurs Oath
masayoshi.k: San Francisco Randonneurs Oath
masayoshi.k: Gintautus checking his son's jacket
masayoshi.k: Gintautas, Indre and their families starting
masayoshi.k: Gintautas and his daughter
masayoshi.k: Indre starting
masayoshi.k: Vidas, his wife and friends cheking in
masayoshi.k: Vidas's wife and friends starting their first brevet
masayoshi.k: Finish control
masayoshi.k: ‎Gabrielle F. and James P. arriving at the finish
masayoshi.k: Todd in Alex Singer jersey arriving at the finish control
masayoshi.k: Andrea!
masayoshi.k: Andrea finished
masayoshi.k: ‎Gabrielle and Andrea at the finish
masayoshi.k: DSC_0110.jpg
masayoshi.k: DSC_0111.jpg
masayoshi.k: DSC_0113.jpg
masayoshi.k: DSC_0116.jpg