Masashi bon: In a lotus pond
Masashi bon: Contrast of 2colors: cosmos
Masashi bon: Pretty Pink
Masashi bon: Lotus pond in the heat of summer
Masashi bon: コスモス Cosmos
Masashi bon: Autumn Sunset in Japan Sea
Masashi bon: Jizou Standing in the sunset light
Masashi bon: Sunset in the Japan Sea 日本海の日没
Masashi bon: The place water falls 水の落つるところ
Masashi bon: Today's Narcissuses 日本水仙
Masashi bon: Hey, look at this cute picture of YOU! こんなにかわいく撮れたよ!
Masashi bon: You look good with the necklace ネックレス似合うかな
Masashi bon: Red Spider Lily2
Masashi bon: Red Spider Lily3曼珠沙華
Masashi bon: Colorful autumn waterfall 紅葉の滝
Masashi bon: An Autumn waterfall 晩秋の滝