marzbite: leg workout
marzbite: garden stairs
marzbite: patio
marzbite: view of sf
marzbite: fountain
marzbite: garden
marzbite: window view
marzbite: view
marzbite: IMG_0153
marzbite: IMG_0152
marzbite: IMG_0151
marzbite: kitchen
marzbite: living room?
marzbite: IMG_0148
marzbite: bedroom
marzbite: light
marzbite: medicine boo-duh
marzbite: view from home
marzbite: kat nap
marzbite: P180309_16.45[03]
marzbite: test KU990
marzbite: blue bird
marzbite: 982436548
marzbite: 92817
marzbite: Where the hell are my goddam sandals and the porcelain poodles and the glass swans
marzbite: "We Have Met The Enemy and He Is Us" - pogo