Ned Lyttelton: Men in Park380
Ned Lyttelton: Phi Owl
Ned Lyttelton: FishEye
Ned Lyttelton: indifference and concern
Ned Lyttelton: eyes in the back of their head
Ned Lyttelton: my mother, Mary
Ned Lyttelton: bizarre
Ned Lyttelton: 4 : reflexive reflection²
Ned Lyttelton: watcher 1
Ned Lyttelton: watcher 2
Ned Lyttelton: watcher 3
Ned Lyttelton: bifocal
Ned Lyttelton: watching the watcher watching the watched
Ned Lyttelton: the All-Seeing
Ned Lyttelton: world-watcher
Ned Lyttelton: watcher #19
Ned Lyttelton: watchers three
Ned Lyttelton: watchers
Ned Lyttelton: cat train cat 0