marysiaquiet: first day in bangkok
marysiaquiet: sunspots and a boy running in the deep end of Sri-Ayuthaya Rd.
marysiaquiet: a girl and her umbrella
marysiaquiet: service with softener
marysiaquiet: the book
marysiaquiet: no entrance
marysiaquiet: Bangkok City Park
marysiaquiet: Koh Lanta ferry
marysiaquiet: gasoline and a boy by a store corner
marysiaquiet: in the water
marysiaquiet: the two and their story
marysiaquiet: Lanta Old Town
marysiaquiet: on the road
marysiaquiet: a game
marysiaquiet: inside.
marysiaquiet: rewind.
marysiaquiet: Rooms 120 - 500B. Krabi Town
marysiaquiet: food rules
marysiaquiet: on the way.
marysiaquiet: and a sunflare (finally)
marysiaquiet: night market setup
marysiaquiet: night market desert
marysiaquiet: girls.
marysiaquiet: school shoes and their owners.