mbrichmond: lovely lilies
mbrichmond: early hydrangeas
mbrichmond: Getting weighed and measured
mbrichmond: Marked for life
mbrichmond: Big mama
mbrichmond: Box turtle in leaves
mbrichmond: Shirts and trees
mbrichmond: Fish printed t-shirts
mbrichmond: Fish in the field
mbrichmond: consider the lilies
mbrichmond: sassafrass
mbrichmond: composition with frog
mbrichmond: ferns
mbrichmond: Lazy afternoon
mbrichmond: Pond lilies
mbrichmond: Looking for aquatic insects
mbrichmond: Paper and glitter and dragonflies
mbrichmond: Hydrangea
mbrichmond: Horseshoe crab molts
mbrichmond: Kids and crabs
mbrichmond: Provincetown view
mbrichmond: On Stage
mbrichmond: Hey, wanna play leapfrog????
mbrichmond: Loosestrife and Sweet Pepper Bush
mbrichmond: Sweet Pepper Bush and Loosestrife
mbrichmond: Baby painted turtle
mbrichmond: Baby painted turtle
mbrichmond: Newly hatched
mbrichmond: Green heron
mbrichmond: Green heron