____________MP__________________: In the paddock before Sylvia's Spirit race
____________MP__________________: This looks like a winner!
____________MP__________________: Mary Pat with Track Official
____________MP__________________: JumboTron announcing 4 minutes to post for Sylvia's Spirit
____________MP__________________: Cathleen, Bill and Gordon
____________MP__________________: Navarro being led to Winner's Circle (prematurely)
____________MP__________________: In the Winner's Circle
____________MP__________________: Starting Gate being moved
____________MP__________________: Moving the Starting Gate
____________MP__________________: Race 8 rounds the bend
____________MP__________________: Bill's winning jockey
____________MP__________________: Two minutes to post!
____________MP__________________: Beth, Jack and Cathleen collect $$$$
____________MP__________________: Mr. Navarro dismounting in Winner's Circle
____________MP__________________: Is he on a cell Phone? Is that why he bumped #3?
____________MP__________________: In the paddock before Sylvia's Spirit
____________MP__________________: The infamous Daily Double Ticket
____________MP__________________: Showing his winning form
____________MP__________________: Gordon and Stu calculating the odds