littleskyhome: from the style files...
littleskyhome: boogie wonderland.
littleskyhome: california poppy...
littleskyhome: I have eaten every single meal in the car on my lap today! What a busy, busy day it has been!
littleskyhome: writing. always writing.
littleskyhome: Hello. I'm the world smallest pickle.
littleskyhome: what the smallest bean takes pictures of when he's waiting for his bowl of beans ...
littleskyhome: because I never do...
littleskyhome: packing...
littleskyhome: nest and candy sack...
littleskyhome: Easter furoshiki. ;)
littleskyhome: there's this guy...
littleskyhome: and there's this girl. I may have found a new obsession. Knitting sheep.
littleskyhome: (needed one more of this guy. I'll tell you their names tomorrow...)
littleskyhome: daybreak...
littleskyhome: down on the farm with aunt Lisa...
littleskyhome: after dinner hoops in pj's...
littleskyhome: by far my favorite tradition on a warm night. .
littleskyhome: in nana's kitchen.
littleskyhome: homeward.
littleskyhome: epic road trip lunch spot.
littleskyhome: a tiny tea harvest {chamomile, lemon balm, peppermint} in my fresh-out-of-the-kiln tiny bowls. it's the little things...
littleskyhome: noro kureyon campout mitts :: product of 7 hours in the car yesterday...
littleskyhome: in action (with a sparkly boy zooming by in the back...)
littleskyhome: have you ever seen something new and immediately had to make it? {quinoa avocado maki} it's so good...
littleskyhome: today I made this between two naps in the hammock... now I have something to use in the shower to wash away my sunburn ;)
littleskyhome: when life gives you a lemon tree...
littleskyhome: she picked these to try and cheer me yesterday. our sweet zoey cat went missing. trying not to think the worst ...
littleskyhome: look riiiiight in the center there. Found her hiding deep under our neighbor's deck. Getting her out was another story!