Mary Loosemore:
Dad and Jean, Bournemouth beach
Mary Loosemore:
Golden Jubilee BBQ at Dinedor Court: Dad at the BBQ
Mary Loosemore:
Golden Jubilee BBQ at Dinedor Court: Dad - BBQ tongs at the ready
Mary Loosemore:
Roy's 80th birthday BBQ: cousins at ease - dad and Roy
Mary Loosemore:
The Lygon Arms, Broadway
Mary Loosemore:
Repainting the kitchen at Forty Acres with dad: job done
Mary Loosemore:
Vic and Sylvia's Diamond Wedding dinner dance, Bournemouth
Mary Loosemore:
Vic and Sylvia's Diamond Wedding dinner dance, Bournemouth
Mary Loosemore:
The New Barn
Mary Loosemore:
Dad's birthday train cake, by Jean
Mary Loosemore:
Me and my dad in our party togs
Mary Loosemore:
Dad and Jean
Mary Loosemore:
Me with dad and Jean - cheers!
Mary Loosemore:
Me and my dad
Mary Loosemore:
The guests gather and baptise the "new" conservatory at Forty Acres
Mary Loosemore:
Dad and Jean, Forty Acres as the guests to arrive
Mary Loosemore:
Dad and Jean, Forty Acres, waiting for the guests to arrive
Mary Loosemore:
Dad i/c barbecue
Mary Loosemore:
Me and my dad
Mary Loosemore:
Tom, dad and Yet More Cake
Mary Loosemore:
Me with three of my favourite chaps
Mary Loosemore:
Some chat whilst others ceilidh