marylea: Here's Looking' at You! WM Apr17
marylea: Sanderling Camouflage
marylea: Pelican Left Eye
marylea: Hey, You!
marylea: Hummingbird
marylea: Crow on a Railing, 2012
marylea: Profile of a Musocvy Duck
marylea: Gull on One Leg
marylea: Sparrow in the Morning
marylea: Hummingbird in the Fire Spike
marylea: Dove on Perch
marylea: Crow on Bird Feeder, July 2014
marylea: Three Chickens
marylea: Mr. Robin
marylea: Canada Geese
marylea: Pigeon in the Mist
marylea: Black Crow
marylea: Red bellied woodpecker, May 2017
marylea: Ready, Set,...
marylea: Profile of a Mama Bird
marylea: Well Camouflaged Sanderling
marylea: From the Top Down: Emu Head
marylea: The Photographer Is A Bird's Eye View
marylea: Hummingbird
marylea: Sandhill Crane: Near the Pond
marylea: Sand Cranes, Sept 20
marylea: Seagull
marylea: Oh By Gully!
marylea: Common Myna Bird
marylea: IMG_5929cr