marykathryn2007: Mark and I at the Koru Lounge in Auckland.
marykathryn2007: Enjoying a bit of bubbly on our 12 hour flight from Auckland to San Francisco.
marykathryn2007: Mark waiting for his dinner to be served on the plane.
marykathryn2007: Dirk invited us over to his place just after we landed in SF to show us the stairs that he installed that afternoon!
marykathryn2007: View of Dirk's new upstairs space.
marykathryn2007: Dirk's neighbours don't appreciate his renovations to his home.
marykathryn2007: Dirk's latest artwork - a slice of his cut up ID card.
marykathryn2007: Mark and I in elevator in hotel.
marykathryn2007: The Japanese Garden in San Mateo where Mark and I first met.
marykathryn2007: Kathy and Mark in front of the pagoda.
marykathryn2007: Japanese Gardens in San Mateo.
marykathryn2007: Dave and Kelly C. held a party at their place for Mark's 50th birthday. Debbie, Geoff, Mark and Gordon.
marykathryn2007: Amy, Amy's daughter Gigi and Dirk in the background.
marykathryn2007: Dave and Kelly's cat enjoying the party.
marykathryn2007: Laurie and Mark.
marykathryn2007: Gordon, Mark and Amy.
marykathryn2007: Mark, Helen and Brian.
marykathryn2007: Kelly C., Kathy and Kelly G.
marykathryn2007: Dave, Song, Kelly C., Lucia, Mark, Terry, Kelly G., Debbie and Mary.
marykathryn2007: Mark and Kelly G.
marykathryn2007: Mary, Debbie, Geoff, Mark and Dirk.
marykathryn2007: We drove to Salinas to visit with Paula and Jenn. Paula and her baby daughter Audrey.
marykathryn2007: Paula's daughter Emma.
marykathryn2007: Yummy CakeMoney cakes for dessert!
marykathryn2007: Jenn entertaining Audrey!
marykathryn2007: Jenn bought my car off of me when I moved to New Zealand. Blue Boy is still running!
marykathryn2007: Paula, Jenn and I outside of Paula's place.
marykathryn2007: Paula's husband, Ben, giving Audrey a piggy back ride.
marykathryn2007: Sunset at the Golden Gate Bridge.
marykathryn2007: Sunset in my old neighbourhood.