mary hodder: Power grid in the Souks
mary hodder: Shopping for spices
mary hodder: Camel cookies
mary hodder: man hole cover
mary hodder: man hole cover with a cross symbol to open it easily
mary hodder: casablanca man hole cover
mary hodder: man hole cover
mary hodder: McDonalds in Arabic, selling "chicken mythic"
mary hodder: Beautiful Ceiling at Musee de Marrakech
mary hodder: The Maroc Lamp that doubles as a spaceship
mary hodder: .. by Farid Belkahia
mary hodder: Small pool mosaic
mary hodder: Towel left by the maids in the riad
mary hodder: Three locks, plus one more
mary hodder: Old berber camp.. wouldn't last a minute in a Burningman Whiteout
mary hodder: Storks
mary hodder: Kosybar
mary hodder: Storks on the roof of the nearby palace.
mary hodder: Eggplant foodporn
mary hodder: The only baby stork was the little one on the right nest
mary hodder: Steps with cycad.
mary hodder: Courtyard
mary hodder: The Mosque at the Center of the Square
mary hodder: Covering over the Souks
mary hodder: A Lovely roofline
mary hodder: Sink with rose petals
mary hodder: Lamp
mary hodder: Strawberries with filo and creme
mary hodder: Yummy fried things
mary hodder: Pastilla at Dar Zellig