mary hodder: Bob Frankston
mary hodder: David and Salim
mary hodder: The fingers for the W, in www, and a globe from the pinky and thumb...
mary hodder: Who knew David Weinberger was a great cook?
mary hodder: Rebecca MacKinnon and a friend
mary hodder: Salim Ismail
mary hodder: Dan Bricklin
mary hodder: David chatting with his guests..
mary hodder: Ann and Dan
mary hodder: Charlie Nesson and me
mary hodder: Table cloth
mary hodder: Chatting some more.. i lent the camera to Halley Suitt's son.. and he snapped a bunch of photos..
mary hodder: See.. when you lend out the camera..
mary hodder: Lending out the camera.. I found photographs of red..
mary hodder: Rebecca MacKinnon
mary hodder: Ann, David's wife.
mary hodder: David Weinberger's Angel Food Cake
mary hodder: Steve Garfield thinking hard about threats to the internet!
mary hodder: Jerry and David wore red to the One Web Day meetup
mary hodder: Emily is radiant, even if the pic is blurry
mary hodder: Jerry and Em
mary hodder: Jerry and Em
mary hodder: Susan on the call in for the One Web Day meetup
mary hodder: Jerry goes meta
mary hodder: Henry Ansbacher
mary hodder: David Isenberg makes the sign for One Web Day
mary hodder: Emily, Nina and Josh
mary hodder: Emily!
mary hodder: Josh sez: One Web Day!