mary hodder: Greg is dead serious about your freedom to connect
mary hodder: Freedom-to-Connect conference planning
mary hodder: David Isenberg Shouts 'FREEDOM'
mary hodder: Lee Rainie on How We Connect
mary hodder: Freedom-to-Connect Audience Claps for Susan Crawford
mary hodder: Audience listens to Lee Rainie
mary hodder: Susan Crawford says the future of the internet can't be planned
mary hodder: David Isenberg Mediates a Question from Isabel Walcott
mary hodder: Dan Gillmor and Jeff Jarvis
mary hodder: Terry Huval tells about the Battle of Lafayette
mary hodder: Terry Huval Fiddles with our Regular Violinist, Andy Stein
mary hodder: Command Central for Connectivity, ARC Chat and AV
mary hodder: ARC Chat -- Broadcast behind speakers
mary hodder: Talking about making the bandwidth business about selling abundance, not scarcity
mary hodder: Chatting at Lunch
mary hodder: Robert Corn-Revere
mary hodder: Robert Corn-Revere (R) is interviewed by Jeff Jarvis (L)
mary hodder: Gary Shapiro Asks Robert Corn-Revere a Question
mary hodder: Freedom of Religion, Press and Assembly as moderated by Jerry Michalski
mary hodder: Scott Heiferman
mary hodder: Dan Loves the Popcorn at the AFI Silver Spring, MD where the F2C conference is...
mary hodder: David Isenberg .. who's kidding who.. it's the telcos!
mary hodder: Jerry says hi
mary hodder: Joe smiles..
mary hodder: What's goin' on over there at seedwiki anyway?
mary hodder: Vint Cerf and Greg Elin
mary hodder: Charlie Firestone asks if we can get rid of the hierarchy of regulation for a horizontal model?
mary hodder: Incumbents panel debate..
mary hodder: Bill Densmore on break