Mary Gillham Archive Project: Anse Takamaka, S.W.Mahe. Beginning of fisherman's story
Mary Gillham Archive Project: 3 Cattle Egrets 1 resting in tree, Mahe. August 1973
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Sardine, the main day to day catch. Turbinaria. Beau Vallon
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Fishing fraternity cogitates over empty net. Beau Vallon
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Carongue washed up by sea and heaped by road. Beau Vallon, 1973
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Sisal leaves whole and split to thread through fish gills. Beau Vallon
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Carongue (Caranx) on Beau Vallon beach, Mahe, Seychelles
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Moyenne Island left, Long Island right. St Anne's Marine National Park.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Mud wasp cells, St Anne's Island house wall.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Crawfish, Urchin
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Mwani seaweed collected commercially. Eucheuma sp. Mafia Island.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Young Rhizophora, roots of Sonneraha in front. Chole
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Fish. Zanzibar.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Echinopora lamellosa Coral. Zanzibar
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Hatpin Urchin. Diadema. Coral. Zanzibar
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Fluted Clam, Tridacne. Usually incorporated algae give colour.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Acropora corymbosa coral from Zanzibar. 1970
Mary Gillham Archive Project: 2 kinds of Stagshorn coral, 2 big Cowries. Mafia Island. Tanzania 1970.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Ark shells with borehole. Tanga
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Fish swim bladder, cut out by fishermen. Yambe, Tanga
Mary Gillham Archive Project: 3 Fiddler Crab males and chewed sand pellets. Mafia.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Green Cymodocea ciliata. Yambe Island. Low water. Tanga
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Caesalpinia bonduc fruit cluster (presented by cook boy Jo) Nicker nut or nicole.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Caesalpinia bonduc seeds used as counters in a game. Nicker nuts.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Manihene at sea off Cosmoledo atoll.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Coral-watching from EAMFRO dory. Zanizibar
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Crested or Swift Terns. Latham Island. Tanzania
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Masked Booby on Wizard Island ignores human.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Red-footed Boobies nesting at 6ft intervals. Pagoda Island.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Land girt tidal pool.Seaward end of Pagoda Island. Both boobies.