Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Coorong, Old parallel sand ridges and detail of Murray Mouth
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Coorong Lagoon, Pipe-clay lakes and Murray Mouth
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Windswept Younghusband Penninsula between Coorong and Southern Ocean
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
From sheltered Coorong Lagoon over Younghusband Penninsula to Southern Ocean
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Bushes hold residual dunes against Antarctic gales. Younghusand
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
100's of acres of bare denuded of wattle-paperbark scrub except in depressions
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Cepaea landshells scattered on Corrong sand
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Sand ripped from shell fragments by wind, Coorong
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Force two gale strikes Younghusband penninsula, Coorong
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Low water in Coorong salt lagoonJuly 1982 drought
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Part of vast blow out on Younghusband penninsula in bitter gale
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Rainbow over stable Tea tree, paper bark, wattle scrub of soak, Coorong
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Coorong salt lake and birds in storm
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Mehingie, wave lashed shore of Lake Albert behind Coorong. Bitter July gale from southern ocean
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Stilts on salt lake, chenopods on salt flats. Corrong
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Rhagodia baccata = seaberry saltbush. Arthrocnemum halocnemoides = shrubby glasswort. Stilts in saltpan, Coorong south end.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Trails of Hydrobia type snails (see I on right) in silt Coorong salt pans
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Rainbow over salt lake at south end of Coorong. Deatched in droughts 1982.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Government well by road Salt Creek with Lycium Ferrocissimum, Coorong
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
South African boxthorn, Lycium Ferocissimum by Government well, Salt Creek
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
South African boxthron Lycium Ferocissimum. Port Augusta
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Chinaman's well and fired scrub. Younghusband penninsula, near Salt Creek
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Abandoned cover for Chinma's well, half cut but split along joint. Corrong Salt Lake
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Massed shells of lagoon fauna, not smashed as sea shells sand/silt blown away. Coorong South Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Spiny box fish washed up at Coorong in southerly buster
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Posidonia Australis ball and sponge, Corrong South Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Map of Adelaide and the Corrong, South Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Heaps of Sea Salt from evaporation ICI Salt Fields Dry Creek Adelaide
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Pelicans on salina, ICI salt fields, Saint Kilda, Gulf of Saint Vincent
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Pelicans on sand spit, ICI salt fields Dry Creek, Saint Kilda, North of Adelaide