Mary Gillham Archive Project: Colour map of North West Indian ocean
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Puffinus pacificus (15000 pairs plus 15000 of Audubon's shears). Cousin Island.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Frigates on look-out posts
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Two juvenile white-headed frigates
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Male lesser frigate bird, expanded breeding pouch
Mary Gillham Archive Project: White-headed juvenile frigate
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Diamond shaped frigate bird perched by booby victim
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Frigates wait in leafy mangroves
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Frigates fly over nesting site
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Greater frigates fly over mangroves
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Four frigates, three female, one juvenile
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Frigates flying over East end of lagoon
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Greater frigates or man-of-war birds
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Four frigates, dead branches, (three females), preening
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Tony Diamond's frigate hide
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Male greater frigates with and without expanded throat pouches
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Frigate colony in mangroves
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Lesser frigate birds. White headed juvenile or white breasted females. Cousin Island
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Dying frigate female. 10 foot wing span
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Frigate colony. Greater and lesser. North East lagoon
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Four young boobies following boat
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Three young boobies following boat, April
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Booby juvenile on mangrove nest
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Massed boobies overexposed
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Harry hatches up a joke on the boobies
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Juvenile booby yelling as when chased by frigates
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Treetop boobies. Incipient killing of twigs
Mary Gillham Archive Project: White-tailed tropic chick defies fingers
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Two white-tailed tropic or bosun birds
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Red tailed tropic bird