Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Solution pipe in aeolianite, Rottnest. Shell sand. CaCo3 dissolves, sand gets cemented to rock. More solution gives swallow holes. Water seeps down sides of hole and gives a harder calcarious lining which is left when the rest erodes away.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Weathered root concretions. Carnac Island, South Western Australia.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Bridled tern alights. Shag Island. Safety Bay Islands.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Flesh-footed shearwater Puffinus carneipes. Seal Island off Cape Leeuwin.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Blue penguins shedding down. Senecio carpobrotus. Seal Island. Safety Bay.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Gulls and Lavatera plebeja. Shag Island Safety Bay Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Caspian tern dives bombs Seal Island. Safety Bay. Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Cow sea lion swimming behind boat 15 miles North of Jurien Bay Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Spinifex. Wedgetailed shearwater burrow. West Wallabi island. Abrolhos Bromus locally dominant at entrance
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
North Island Houtman Abrolhos. Salt lake where 100s of waders feed on brine shrimps. Coral sand. 1958
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Emu (a tame flock). Tower Hill State game park 1989.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Little shearwater, Puffin assimilis. In Spiniflex longifolius. West Wallabi Island
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
9 foot high osprey nest and a bit fallen off on left. East Wallabi island, Abrolhos Western Australia. 1958.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Calcareous plates and root concretions exposed by erosion of CORAL sand. N. North Island, Abrolhos Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Fish Point Uplifted coraline limestone pavement. East Wallabi Island, Abrolhos. Rhagodia. Myoporum.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Western Australia fisheries Department Dinghy of new 'Dampier'. White capped hair seal. Fishermans Island, Abrolhos, Western Australia.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Fur Seal. Bull and 5 cows, 1 with calf sucking. Fisherman Island (Northern) Western Australia.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Making crayfish pots. Bamboo from Borneo being steamed in trough Right. Safety Bay township. Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Fishermen's huts and craypots. North Island Houtman Abrolhos. Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
From Fishermans Cave. Penguin Island. Safety Bay.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Gulls on Carnac Island, Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Small silver gull colony on East Wallabi island. Limestone pavement. Alyxia and Diplolaena dampieri. Abrolhos. Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Silver gulls. Shag Island. Safety Bay. Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Salt lake viewed through paper bark trees, Rottnes Island. Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Caspian tern chick panting from the heat. Seal Island. October 1959. Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Bridled tern outside nesting crevice on remote island cliff. Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Submerged reefs viewed through a hole in the Rottnest limestone cliffs. Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Gulls on aeolianite. Safety Bay. Shag Island, Western Australia Larus novae-hollandiae.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Pelican on Pelican Point. Nedlands. Western Australia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Pelican and black swan. Pelican Point, Swan River, Perth.