Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Sossusvlei. Sossus river sand up from sea and spread along back of dunes.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Brackish vlei supports trees. 6 Oryx, 2 jackals. Many tracks crows.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Sand bars building up a wall of sand in distance. Usually flats to seaward
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Salt pans supporting flamingoes. Walvis Bay
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Sandwich Harbour. Man-made exit. Walvisch Baaie
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Abraded rock, wind-smoothed sand. Southern end.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Granite blocks cut from surface. Walvis Bay. South of Swakopmund
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Concretions of calrete near Uis tin mine. Okomba
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Marble table-top. Thin section concretions as at tin mine.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Metallic iron pyrites, FeS, and green arsenic at iron mine.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Martin Luther. To replace bullocks. Stuck in sand. I stay so help me god.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Diamond mine and spoil heap
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Diamond dredger boats at Lamberts Bay. Suck gravel through pipes from shallows and get gems
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Walvis Bay port. No cargo handling. Sunday evening
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Desert road to deserted Uis tin mine. Namibia mirages as approached Hentys Bay. Roads round Swakopmund hard = sand and gypsum from saltmarsh sea as water poured over. Slings of netting keeps sand out of town.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Astonishing spread of orange lichen. Depends on sea mists. Rare Damara terns nest only here. There are green lichen deserts in mist of morning. Dry up by midday.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Teloschistes capensis dominates thousands of square kilometres. Swakopmund
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Zygophyllum simplex. Swakopmund River mouth. Brakkies.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
The Big Boy, 1,500 years old carbon-dated Welwitschia. Discovered 1859 by Welwitch, See page 23 of notebook
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Welwitschia, concave top of trunk collects water. Cones.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Stalked female cones round concave trunk apex. Welwitschia
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Female cones, seed-bearing scales. Is advanced conifer
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Red nymphs of the bug Probergrothius sexpunctatis among female scales. Only on Welwatschia. A red reduvid bug preys on these bugs.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Two copulating paris of bugs - Probergrothius sexpunctatis. Seek shade. Only female plants
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Kokerboon, quiver tree. San = bushmen used hollow branches for quivers. Water dripping down stems and ridge
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Cyphostemma currorii = Botterboom. Flaky yellow look.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Cyphostemma currorii at sunset (redder). Vitaceae cissus.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Fruits of Euphorbia. Brink of Otjikoto Sinkhole.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Double termite mounds. Acacia erioloba = camelthorn
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Termite mound. Near Omaruru. Day 2. Namibia.