Mary Gillham Archive Project: Geology map of Cardiff
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Penultimate meander of River Rhymney around Tremorfa boat yard (left) 08/11/78
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Ivor Penberthy and son. Wharfland shore West of Rhymney sea wall. Clay profile and displaced clods at sea, 09/11/68
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Spartina invading Puccinellia, Severnside, Monmouthshire. 1972
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Lamby, Extramurals. 1st 26 move from brackish pool. Gammarus duebeni, copepod. Fieldfare, redwing, wheatear, grey wagtail, redshank. 09/11/68
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Lamby flats, fescue turf removal by Rhymney mouth, February 1973
Mary Gillham Archive Project: High tide laps at Rhymney Little Wharf, Maerdy, 1978
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Top of Cors Crychydd mitigation reen from Lamby Way, 18/07/00
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Hydrocharis morsus-ranae flowers. Shropshire Union Canal, Whixall
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Fennel-leaved pondweed fruits, Cadoxton pool, 1979
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Coastal conformation and Spartina advance on Glamorgan side of breakwater from pillbox, Noember 1978
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Azolla reen meets Lemna pool behind Rhymney Little Wharf, 09/11/78
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Seaward end of Cors Crychydd mitigation reen with swans, 22/07/00
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Parsley water dropwort flowers and fruits, Oenanthe lachenalii. Lamby brackish marsh by River Rhymney West of East moors viaduct, 11/07/2000
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Subsidiary branch of non tidal bit of East creek, Lamby. 08/11/78
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Boats idling below elevated boat yard, Tremorfa. Spartina down, Aster in Puccinellia sward, 08/11/78
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Ononins spinosa, Lower Penarth clifftop, 07/08/78
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Althaea officinalis, white form, Goldcliffe, August 1983
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Dog roses rooted in dump of tyres and wires. Old tip by Rover Way, West of Tremorfa, June 2003
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Active erosion East of River Rhymney mouth, 09/11/78
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Spartina in 20 year old oxbow at ?Lamby in November 1968. Aster Puccinellia. See railway bridge for location. Water deeper for diving on outside of curve
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Ponies East of Rhymney mouth and Rhymney Little Wharf from West of River, 13/06/03
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Parsley water dropwort top grass. Lamby marsh, 11/07/00
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Ranunculus sardous, Lamby inland of A48. In pools on turf November 1982. Only 9 other records since 1800! Killay 1890, Barry 1890, Swansea 1805, Aberthaw 1970, Splott 1931, Oxwich 1918, Llandough 1912, Flemingston 1905, Cardiff Docks 1905)
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Ranunculus sceleratus. Howardian Reserve, 25/05/92
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Coltsfoot, Merthyr Mawr
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Polypogon mons petrensis. Annual beard grass, rabbit foot. Reen Southwest of Lamby Lake, 2003
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Sea celery in Maerdy reen behind sea wall, 22/07/00
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Sison amomam, stone parsley, Goldcliff L. A. 1983
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Great water dock from Southwest Sandpiper Bay, Lamby, July 2003