Mary Gillham Archive Project: Bamborough Castle Hotel, fish, boxes, seahorses, 1973
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Staple Island, Pinnacles from sea and Longstone Light, Farnes, 1974
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Staple Island, Pinnacles in August. Auks left for sea. Only shags and kittiwakes. Farnes. August 1974
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Pinnacles, Staple Island
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Farnes, auks, ?1976
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Fulmar's egg, Staple Island, Farnes, 31 May 1973
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Fulmar flies from egg on Staple Island, Farnes
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Farnes, kittiwakes, guillemots, 1976 ?
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Great black-backed gull, Lesser black-backed gull, seals, Longstone Island, Farnes, August 1974
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Gulls and the algae which they fertilise. Longstone, Farne, August
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Guillemots, Staple Island Pinnacles, Farnes, 1973
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Pinnacles, Staple Island from the sea, Farnes, May 1973. An extension of Whin Sill, which is an igneous intrusion of dolerite, the intrusive sheet 100 feet thick in places. It has metamorphosed the adjacent limestone.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Guillemots on Pinnacle, Staple Island, Farnes, 1973. This severed portion of Great Whin is of columnar, well fissured dolerite. Columnar nature seen in 3 'Pinnacles'. The 4th destroyed 200 years ago. 60 ft high.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Low-lying outcrop of Great Whin still marked by lighthouse. Longstone Island, Farnes. August 1974
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Auks, Laridae, Pelican formes, Staple Island, 1973
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Xanthoria on Longstone Rock benefit from bird and seal dung. Sea dotted with seals. August 1974
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Inner Farne jetty near High Water, August 1974
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Inner Farne jetty at Low Water, August 1974
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Holcus meadow, Inner Farne, late May 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Holcus meadow by tower after elimination of rabbits. Inner Farne, 1974
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Amsinckia intermedia. Introduced in poultry food and persisting. Farne
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Amsinckia intermedia from California on Inner Farne by Tower.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Holcus with only a few rabbits to graze it. St Cuthbert's Chapel. Farne.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Holcus ungrazed and puffinry, Inner Farne, August 1974
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Erosion check. Inner excludes rabbits, outer excludes seals. Coastal and gullery. Staple Island, 1973
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Marking quadrat. Puffin burrow count. Inner Farne, August 1974
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Lop-eared rabbit. Inner Farne, May 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Rabbits. Inner Farne. Re-introduced, May 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Black rabbit. Tern fouled. Inner Farne. 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project: 2 black rabbits, Inner Farne, 1975