Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Horizontal bedding of Puffin Island West cliffs with herring gulls. July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Xanthoria on fossil coral in carbonate limestone. Puffin Island. West side 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Fossil coral sea mayweed. Puffin Island. Large 8 inch corals too 28th July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Kittiwakes. Puffin Island. August 1969. Richard Arnold
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Herring gull and juveniles. Puffin Island. July 1969
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Puffin burrow, Holcus, Lolium mayweed. West clifftop. Puffin Island. Anglesey. 28th July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Biotic community of elder and nettle modified by wind. West Puffin Island. Anglesey. 28th July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Tower of Norman church. View north over Puffin Island plateau. July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Greater Black-backed gull and Great Orme from telegraph station on North of Puffin Island. July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
View along menai straits to Beauman's and mountains from east Puffin Island 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Elder - wind shorn; dock, hemlock, Alexanders West Puffin Island. 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Sambucus, Urtica, Conium and smyrnium advancing down west slope of Puffin Island. 28th July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Herring gulls and wind-shaped elder, Puffin Island West side. View south, 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Polygonum aviculare agg. Herring gull colony. Puffin Island. July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Frieze of teasels, elder and ragwort landward side. Puffin Island. 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Rat holes, dock, ovache, nettle. Puffins driven down west cliff. Puffin Island. 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Rat holes in dead grass and parietaria. Puffin Island. 28th July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Grey aphids on green flowers of wild turnip on Puffin Island. Late July as on Steep Holm in early May 1975.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Wild turnip fruits, aphids gone. Spergularia rupicola scorched at heatwave. Puffin Island. July 1973
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Spergularia rupicola and kittiwake feathers West Puffin Island. Anglesey. 28th July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Malva sylvestris, Atriplex hastata (no Lavatera). Puffin Island. 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Fallen teasels behind Puffin Island beach. Fly takes nectar. July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Tripleurospermum and Beta, low sheltered cliff. Puffin Island. 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Dwarf Conium maculatum and Tripleurospermum. Puffin Island. 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Hordeum murinum. Brassica campestre. Atriplex hastata. Tripleurospermum. Puffin Island. Sheltered cliff. July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Cochlearia officinalis and Atriplex hastata. Low west kittiwake cliff on Puffin Island. 28th July 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Arctium minus with sea mayweed and Lucilia greenbottles. Puffin Island by landing beach. 1975