Mary Gillham Archive Project: Sorft ORS shales with hard limestone nodules. Lydney
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Red Trias cliff cuts back 3foot a year, Westbury on Severn
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Protruding flags of red astra sandstone rhaetic paper shales above triassic black with sulfide, Westbury, Gloucestershire
Mary Gillham Archive Project: New gout ?Corruption gut? Opposite Uskmouth power station October 1983
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Uskmouth. Bare mud at mouth - Spartina sward up stream. Less scour? 1983
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Gloucester O.R.S. Cliffs of river Severn. Lydney. 1973
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Berkley power station opposite Lydney. River Severn. February 1973
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Caldicot power station. On high bluff of saltings. Sea wall + spartina towsnsendii flats. 20.2.71
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Mistletoe in hawthorn triassic. River Severn. Westbury
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Newnham-upon-Severn church from Arlington passage
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Boulders and marsh East of Marshfield canal, 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Soil profile. Severnside Chepstow-Bulwarks September 1972
Mary Gillham Archive Project: 3 soil zones below Friessan/ Hereford. Wyemouth. September 1972
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Frogbit. Magor reen, Gwent. August 1983
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Scrophularia scorodonia Newport dock 1975
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Uskmouth. View East pylon complex. Encroaching spartina October 1983
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Salicornia invaded by Spartina townsendii, Chepstow Bulwark 2.9.72
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Spartina townsendii anthesis, Whiteford, July 1967
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Caldicot Pill, wood + stone groyne suggests silting is more on upstream side 20.2.71
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Caldicot Pill, strong tide swirling round Spartina caused depression instead of usall silt mounds February 1971
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Caldicot Pill, creekle winds over Bristol channel mudflats. Spartina as hollows + mounds 1971. More mounds where pill brings gentle silt. Hollows where scouring of mouth tide is down.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Salicornia, suaeda. Top tide level- newly churned marsh by Goldcliff Pill. July 1984
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Suaeda martima, Salicornia. Silted rubble.Briton Ferry 1973
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Glaux Maritima very robust with iron clinkers. Cardiff Hamadryad. Ungrazed 1967
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Glaux maritima Aster tripolium - Rhymney. Field above A48 West bank October 1980
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Juncus gerardi fruits. Cardiff docks wall 1983
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Spartina from Uskmouth to lighthouse house (now residence) October 1983
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Triglochin. Carex extensa Cardiff docks wall 1983
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Triglochin maritimum Leys, Aberthaw 1972
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Atriplex hastata. 2 tubercles. Harlech September 1971