Mary Gillham Archive Project: Boxes - Mary grouped slides together in boxes. Sometimes they are geographical other times they are species related. This is what we call a "Box" and becomes the "Album" on Flickr. The label on the front becomes the "Album name"
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Some of Mary's boxes are quite ornately decorated!
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Within a "Box" are multiple "Sets". Sometimes these relate to lectures other times they are just filled to the brim and a new one is started.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Within a "Set" Mary separates different "Sections" with hand written cardboard labels. This becomes the "description" of the image in Flickr. Sometimes they make sense, sometimes they don't! The caption on the slide becomes the "title" on Flickr.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: We take a picture of an entire "Set" on a light box before we scan them so we can quickly see what is in a set and also preserve the order of the slides.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: The text on each slide is transcribed and becomes the "Caption" in Flikr. This one was quite easy to translate, they are not all like this!